Greg is a writer, yo-yo practitioner, and daydreamer from northeastern Illinois. Stories have always been an important part of his life, and ever since he was a young boy he wanted to be a writer. One day, Greg decided to stop dreaming and turn his wish into reality. He sat down in front of his computer and started typing out a story, only to get pummeled by writer’s block. (He lived in a dangerous neighborhood at the time). He has since moved to a safer neighborhood and set up security cameras around the house. More…
John Bahler is the senior English teacher at Eastern High School and the editor of the Greentown Grapevine, a monthly newspaper in Greentown, Indiana. He is the son of a private music teacher, and also an avid songwriter and musician. He has played over 60 shows throughout Indiana in the last year with two different bands—everything from seedy bars to the Vogue Theatre in Broad Ripple, and from backyard parties to the Battleground Indiana Fiddler’s Gathering.
When not indoors, John loves being outdoors. He has hiked most of Indiana’s State Parks, and dozens of state and national parks in more distant lands. He has climbed mountains in the Dominican Republic and canoed in the remote regions of Northern Ontario. He has also hewed logs with an axe, built a cabin out of those logs, made maple syrup in that cabin, and cooked pancakes over which he poured that syrup. More…
Laura Fischer is a writer, editor, and consumer of pudding from Northeast Indiana. The oldest of eight children, she has been telling stories and writing them down since before she knew the alphabet (her first story was just scribbles in a notebook, but she knew what they meant). She also enjoys playing piano and singing, making music playlists for her writing, editing the occasional fanvid, writing fanfiction, playing tabletop games, and just generally being a big nerdy dork on the internet. You can find her other works at, or under the name maychorian or Laura of Maychoria in various corners of the web.
Natasha Hayden (an alias used only for real life) is a redheaded Remirian spitfire, whose zeal as a freedom fighter against Thyrion and skill as a martial artist have earned her a reputation even the Select envy.
Outside the realm of fantasy, she is an avid reader who reviews books and movies on her blog,, and a behind-the-scenes story arc director and content editor for Children of the Wells, when life allows such time luxury. Occasionally, she likes to dabble in writing fiction, and her work can be found in the novella Destroyer and the short story collection The Day After. She also happens to be a real-life black belt in Taekwondo. Natasha grew up in the Brazilian Amazon jungle but is now on an even greater adventure as a full-time mother of two toddlers, and she loves it.
Nathan Marchand is a writer by day and Thyrion’s new Watchman by night, having taken up the mantle discarded by Jaysynn (Nate’s always wanted to be a superhero).
He has loved speculative fiction since age three and writing since sixth grade. He spent many hours in high school writing stories (and fanfiction) that never saw the light of day (it’s better that way). He earned a B.A. in professional writing from Taylor University Thyrion…er, Fort Wayne. Since then he has written for various publications as a staff writer and freelancer. More…
Nick Hayden is a Jalseian by nature, a man with more ideas than time. Most of these apply to fiction in some way or another.
Sometimes Nick really loves to write. Sometimes, he prefers to dream about writing. Most times, he enjoys reading things he’s already written.
Without a doubt, he has to write. He truly believes that fiction is a lie that tells the truth. That is why he writes, and that is why he loves fiction. More…
Timothy Deal is a Falconer with some Jalseian blood: a free-spirited dreamer who is fascinated with the work that has come before him. Sometimes his love of all forms of storytelling distracts him from excelling in one, but he continues to learn.
Currently Timothy is putting his M.A. in Cinema-Television to work as a freelance videographer. He also regularly produces videos for his home church and has aspirations for a video webseries somewhere down the road. At Children of the Wells, he helps with overseeing story arcs, maintaining the world bible (he’s very good at not revealing spoilers, so don’t bother asking), and general brainstorming. More…