Back to the Grind

By Nick Hayden
August 14, 2014

Honestly, I almost forgot to write this blog.

The last two weeks of July consisted of leading 18 youth at a youth conference, followed by a family vacation. Both were enjoyable–but one thing I purposely do when away, especially on vacation, is sever myself from my usual concerns and duties. So I read and played with the kids and generally relaxed.

Then I returned to real life. Last week was catch-up week.

But, you know, I enjoyed that, too. I was ready to get back to work. I wanted to get my desk cleaned up, wanted to begin again on all those projects I’d put on pause. Among which was finalizing this little thing:


You can get it on Amazon now. It collects The Select’s Bodyguard, The Doctor’s Assistant, and The Wells’ Orphan in a nice, stylish paperback. I have always preferred print books to ebooks, so I’m excited to have a copy of this sitting near me as I type.

Oh, and there was a bit of a crunch getting some freshly printed copies to Nathan at GenCon, but we’ve figured it out now. I think.

So, anyway, that’s why I almost forgot to write this blog. But now I’m ready to push forward. The next Jaysynn novel, New Wells Rising, is this close to being done. The sequel to The Well’s Orphan is on its way. And I’m ready to start cracking the whip again.

Thank my two weeks off–and go buy a copy of Bron & Calea, Volume 1, while you’re at it.

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