
We’re One Year Old!

By Natasha Hayden
April 4, 2014

Best. Cake. Ever.

Yum. Cake.
Don via Compfight

One year ago, this week, I wrote a blog welcoming you all to Children of the Wells for the first time. It’s a little hard for me to believe a year has passed since we made this adventure public. Of course, we’d been working on it for at least a year before you first saw it.

Children of the Wells is something very special to us, the writers and crafters. Granted, it’s not perfect, as much as we’d like it to be. When you work with a group like ours, where only a third of us see each other on a regular basis, some of us meet once a month, and a few of us have ever only made it to a meeting once (and perhaps only on Skype), there are bound to be communications that slip through the cracks. But we are excited about the world we’ve created and about the story opportunities still before us. (more…)